Sunday, March 23, 2014

How to Create a Folder Without Name in Windows XP just for fun

Hey friends i am writing a trick to create a folder with no name in windows operating system. This is not a super high-tech trick but it just a short and simple for fun or to amaze your friends.

simply it is like change from

newfolder-01.gif                TO                              newfolder-02.gif
  1. Create a new folder in your specified directory.
  2. Now rename the folder or file by pressing F2 key or Right Click -> Rename.
  3. Now hold ALT button and press 0160 ( or 255).
  4. Hit Enter then you are successfully creating a folder without name in Windows XP.
Note: But make sure to press the numbers from the Numpad and not from the numbers below the F1 – F12 keys. And take note that you only can create one folder without name in a directory.
Lets make this trick some more interesting....
How if we make ur folder or file invisible with only name? With below steps, the file is invisible because we are not hiding it, we are just give it a transparent icon and a space at its name, but someone can select it if they know where it is in desktop or any folder.

  1. Create a new folder in your specified directory.
  2. Right Click -> New -> Folder, and a new folder will be created in that directory. 
  3. Customize the folder if you want to. Dont rename. Right Click the New Folder, go to Properties, then to Customize, and then click Change Icon. Here is the trick, go to the middle and you should see some blank spaces. Those are transparent icons, select one of those then press OK -> Apply -> OK.

    You should have finished your new invisible file, Congratulations
If you want to make its name invisible too then repeat the first trick ( Press ALT+0160 ).

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